Backend Development with MERN Stack Course

12 Weeks


This Backend Engineering with Node.js, Express, and JavaScript Course is designed to equip you with the skills neded to build robust, scalable, and efficient backend applications. This course covers the fundamentals of backend development, focusing on Node.js, a powerful JavaScript runtime, and Express, a lightweight framework for building web applications. Through a combination of hands-on projects and in-depth tutorials, you'll learn how to create RESTful APIs, manage databases, and deploy backend applications in real-world scenarios. Whether you're looking to start a career in backend development or enhance your existing skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to succeed.


Basic understanding of JavaScript

Familiarity with HTML and CSS

Internet Access: Reliable internet access is necessary for participating in online modules and completing assignments.


Module 1- Introduction to JavaScript

- JavaScript Basics: Syntax, Variables, Data Types
- Control Structures: Loops, Conditionals, Switch Statements
- Functions: Declarations, Expressions, Arrow Functions
- Objects and Arrays: Manipulating Data Structures
- Understanding "this" Keyword and Context
- ES6+ Features: Let, Const, Template Literals, Destructuring

- Understanding Client-Server Architecture
- Basics of HTTP and; RESTful APIs

- Introduction to Node.js: What, Why, and When to Use
- Setting Up a Node.js Development Environment
- Node.js Basics: Modules, File System, and Event Loop
-NPM & Managing Dependencies

- Setting Up Express: Creating Your First Server
- Routing in Express
- Middleware: Understanding and Creating Custom Middleware
- Serving Static Files

-CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete
- Handling Query Parameters and Request Body
- Error Handling and Validation
-Working with Postman for API Testing

- Introduction to SQL vs. NoSQL Databases
-Setting Up MongoDB with Mongoose
- Defining Models and Schemas in Mongoose
- CRUD Operations with MongoDB

- Authentication and Authorization
- Implementing JWT Authentication
- Securing Routes with Middleware
- Handling User Roles and Permissions

- Working with Sessions and Cookies
- File Uploads and Express File Upload
- Pagination and Filtering Data
- Rate Limiting and Security Best Practices

- Writing Unit Tests with Mocha & Chai
-Testing APIs with Supertest
- Debugging Node.js Applications

- Preparing Your App for Production
- Environment Variables and Configuration Management
- Deploying on Platforms like Heroku, DigitalOcean, or Render
- Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Basics

- Building a Simple Blog API
- Developing a RESTful E-commerce API
- Creating a Social Media Backend

- Code Review Best Practices
- Contributing to Open Source (Working On Real World Projects)


This course is ideal for anyone interested in learning backend development, including beginners with a basic understanding of JavaScript, frontend developers looking to expand their skillset, and software engineers aiming to become full-stack developers.

Basic computer skills and familiarity with the internet are recommended. A passion for codes and a desire to learn are key. No prior experience is necessary, as we cover all the essentials from the ground up. essentials from the ground up.

Yes, upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a recognized certificate from BCT Academy, which you can showcase to employers or clients as proof of your expertise.


Featured Review

Every day at BCT Academy was very beneficial. I learned new things daily and had the opportunity to practice on real projects, you don't get that kind of experience at universities. I recommend that others take the chance to enter the tech world through BCT Academy. Learning here is interesting and promising.

— Kemisola Adediwura, Back-End DeveloperOwner