How to Break into Tech in 3 months

Quick Answer: Enrol in BCT Academy

Here, you will receive the best training in highly sought-after tech skills for 2-3 months, as well as an immediate internship which will lead to your first tech job. Transitioning into technology appears to be the next big thing at the moment, and it most certainly is. Did you know that most roles in tech do not necessitate programming knowledge such as UI/UX design, Digital Marketing, Product Management and many others. Many people believe that the technology sector is only for computer geniuses. If you lack programming skills, there are numerous tech-related jobs available to you. In this post, you’ll learn How to Break Into the Tech Industry with No Prior Experience and meet over a dozen people who demonstrate that you can break into tech regardless of your background. Below are some helpful tips to help you transition into the tech space seamlessly.

Have the right mindset & attitude

What do we mean by the “right” mindset and attitude?To know that you can succeed in the tech industry, you need to know that people from various walks of life have done so. As a result, a positive outlook and a strong sense of self-confidence are essential.The journey you’re about to embark on may not be as simple as it appears. There will be highs and lows, and you may even question your decision at times. This is where your frame of mind and disposition come into play. To answer the question, “Why do I desire this career path?”, you need to know what drives you. If you become mired down in doubts and anxieties, your answer to this question will help you keep your eye on the prize and the larger picture.Some people find their journey easy and some find it hard. Regardless, you must accept any setbacks, learn from them, and go on.

Network and connect with people in the industry

If you want to learn How to Break Into the Tech Industry with No Prior Experience, Even if you don’t have any industry connections, there are various ways to become engaged.Attending tech meet-ups and conferences is a terrific way to meet new people. Since the epidemic, all of these have been in operation. So all you have to do is register for the activities. Many events are held on Meetup, Eventbrite, and throughout the year. Attending a physical training, such as the one conducted by BCT Limited, is another handy approach to meet new people. You can also reach out to people on LinkedIn. Find out what advise and pointers they have to help you make a change. To ensure that you’re on the right path, talk to others in your chosen profession. Also, do you like the sound of what they do on a daily basis? Make sure it’s something you’d be interested in. As a result, once you’ve made up your mind that you enjoy something, you’re ready to commit fully to it. Virtual networking relies heavily on developing personal connections. Don’t go into it with a goal in mind. Authenticity is the key to forming meaningful relationships.

Take onsite or online courses

Taking courses is an excellent way to stay current on technological developments. Enrol in some basic or intermediate-level classes on the subject to get a taste of what you’ll encounter in a specific bootcamp or career. BCT Academy, one of the best tech schools in the heart of Lagos, provides a variety of information technology courses to help you get your foot in the door for a successful career in the field. At our academy, we do more than just train you, we help you secure an instant internship that will help you get started in your tech career. You can enrol for either Front-End Development, Back-End Development, UI/UX Design, Data Science, Data Analysis and Digital Marketing. 

Publicize yourself using social media

Medium, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and other sites offer simple ways to promote your brand online. It’s a terrific way to spread the word about the job you’re doing now, whether it’s finished or not. There are a number of ways you can use social media to share information about the progress of your journey and the successes you have made. Using hashtags like #30DaysCodingChallenge, #1weekdesignchallenge, #100DaysOfData, and so on, you may document your progress on Twitter. You can even create your own hashtag if you can’t find one that suits your needs.If your workplace is welcoming, switching jobs internally rather than looking for a new job may be easier (especially if you lack appropriate expertise). To begin, ask yourself, “Is there anything else I can do in my current position?” If this is the case, look for a position as a Business Analyst or Software Quality Tester. Working closely with your current company’s IT team may also help you prepare for a transfer in the future.

Get a tech mentor

If you’re just starting out in technology, you’ll need a good mentor. The advantages are numerous; mentors can offer advice and support, boost your confidence, and help you set goals. BCT Academy facilitators do more than just train; they also act as career mentors, cheering you on and guiding you in your tech career.

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